United States

Weekly media wrap - 26 January

Unrest on Manus Island ended last Tuesday. Staff at the centre reportedly prepared 14 men, who were thought to be leaders of the protest, to be sent to prison in Port Moresby. Australian and Papua New Guinean officials described the force used against protestors as minimal, although a video obtained by The Guardian suggests otherwise. Immigration Minister Peter Dutton has rejected claims asylum seekers were denied food and water

Australia’s resettlement program in Cambodia is uncertain, as all but three of 200 refugees on Nauru refused to meet with Cambodian officials. Mr Dutton will travel to Cambodia to meet with officials for further talks on the resettlement program.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten criticised the culture of secrecy regarding the government’s release of information surrounding Manus Island. NSW Premier Mike Baird called on Prime Minister Abbott to “do more” to help refugees.

The UNHCR has announced plans to settle a number of Rohingya refugees in Thailand to the United States.

Weekly media wrap - 1 December

The Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen wrote to an opposition party politician defending Cambodia’s ability to host and protect refugees. However, a group of Cambodian NGOs expressed ‘deep concern’ about the deal, and the ‘shroud of secrecy’ surrounding it. Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young also wrote about her concerns with the deal, after travelling to Cambodia to assess the conditions that refugees will face there.

The Federal Court of Australia reserved its decision about the right of children born in Australian detention centres to seek refugee visas. Labor and the Greens expressed opposition to a decision by the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee to recommend that the Resolving the asylum seeker caseload bill be passed. The bill also came under pressure from Senate crossbenchers who want the legislation to include a pathway to permanent resettlement of refugees and reunion with immediate family members.

The UN Committee Against Torture released a report criticising elements of Australia’s asylum seeker policies, including the policies of turning back boats carrying asylum seekers and mandatory detention of children on Nauru and Manus Island.

The Guardian reported a female asylum seeker was allegedly impregnated when she was raped in detention on Nauru.  This follows stories of the rape of homosexual asylum seeker men who are scared of being jailed for their sexuality.  

A group of high profile Australians recorded a song calling for an end to child detention.

Asylum seekers on Manus Island wrote to the United States and Canada requesting for resettlement to these countries.

In international news, President Obama announced sweeping reforms to the United States’ immigration policy that will ease the threat of deportation for 4.7 million undocumented immigrants. However, the President’s unprecedented exercise of executive authority is likely to face fierce opposition from the Republican party.