
Weekly media wrap - 10 November

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison told a NSW Liberal party function that the Abbott Government would not reconsider its policy of turning back asylum seeker boats. Mr Morrison said that '[t]he government will never, ever move away from the policies that we know work'.

Meanwhile, Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner Gillian Triggs claimed that Scott Morrison is using children in detention as 'bargaining chips' to facilitate the passage of the Abbott government’s proposed changes to the Migration Act. A report delivered by the Parliamentary Committee into Human Rights states that the proposed changes are incompatible with Australia's human rights obligations.

A high-level roundtable that was run in July 2014 by the Centre for Policy Development, Australia 21 and the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law released its report. The report's key recommendations include lifting Australia's humanitarian intake to at least 25,000, processing asylum seekers in their home countries before they flee, and better treatment of asylum seekers in Australia.

Tensions at Regional Processing Centres on Nauru and Manus Island continue to rise, with reports from Nauru that an Iranian refugee was stoned and then beaten by a group of local men. The PNG Government has announced that it will begin the process of finalising refugee status determinations and will provide training to refugees in English, the national language of Tok Pisin and PNG culture in a purpose built facility.

In other international news, a boat carrying asylum seekers has capsized off the coast of Istanbul with reports that at least 24 people are dead. UNHCR welcomed a new set of international guidelines calling for countries to adopt a more gender-sensitive approach to dealing with female refugees, asylum seekers and stateless people in order to take account of the abuses they frequently suffer.