Human Rights Watch

Weekly media wrap - 29 March 2016

The Australian government signed on to a regional agreement at the Bali Process Ministerial Conference, strengthening its commitment to blocking people smuggling in the Asia-Pacific region. The agreement, which is non-binding, recommends member nations consider alternatives to the detention of vulnerable people and allow longer stays in transit countries.

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop was questioned over Australia’s commitment to helping refugees in the region. Following the conference, the Immigration Department launched a telemovie aimed at deterring potential asylum seekers in the region. Described as a “key part” of the department’s anti-people smuggling strategy, the film cost taxpayers $6 million.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull linked the refugee crisis to this week’s terror attacks in Belgium, warning that “porous borders” were allowing terrorists into Europe. Belgium’s Ambassador to Australia, Jean-Luc Bodson, refuted the assertion and said it was dangerous to connect migration with terrorism.

Protests against offshore processing continued in capital cities around the country, with thousands of attendees marching at Welcome Refugee rallies on Palm Sunday. Organisers said more than 50,000 people participated across Australia. Speakers at the events, including Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and Executive Director of the Refugee Immigration and Legal Centre David Manne, said that public sentiment on refugees had changed and more compassionate treatment was wanted.

The rallies occurred as a group of asylum seekers in Nauru also launched peaceful protests, calling for better conditions at the centre. The Guardian quoted an asylum seeker advocate who said the group became upset after detention centre management restricted their Iranian new year celebrations. The protests continued for four days, with Good Friday marking 1000 days in detention for some asylum seekers.

The UNHCR suspended its activities in Greece, with a spokesperson stating the agency would not collude in the “unfair and inhumane” system precipitated by last week’s EU-Turkey deal. Medecins Sans Frontiers and Save the Children also stopped their involvement with centres on the Greek islands.

Human Rights Watch labelled the situation in Greece a humanitarian crisis and criticised the official response. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein raised concerns about the legality of the deal, as boats continued to arrive and refugees set themselves on fire in protest. Pope Francis joined international appeals for compassion during his traditional Good Friday address after washing the feet of refugees in a centre outside of Rome.

The European Commission proposed to reduce aid to Afghanistan under a secret plan, unless the government agreed to repatriate more than 80,000 Afghans denied refugee status in the region. Suggested incentives of the deal included exchanging failed asylum seekers for Afghan students at European universities.


Weekly media wrap - 1 February 2016

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) 2016 World Report was released this week. HRW reported that Australia’s failure to meet international standards for protecting asylum seekers is taking a ‘heavy human toll’ and damaging this country’s international reputation. The report also highlighted the secrecy around Australia’s immigration detention program.

Professor David Isaacs, a leading paediatrician, challenged Australia’s prime minister to prosecute him for speaking out under the Border Force Act about conditions in offshore detention centres. Professor Isaacs visited Nauru in December 2014.

The International Organization for Migration reported that more than 52,000 refugees and migrants crossed the eastern Mediterranean to reach Europe in January, more than 35 times the number of people who attempted the crossing in the same period in 2015.

The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei closed his exhibition in Copenhagen in protest to new Danish laws allowing authorities to seize assets and valuables from asylum seekers over a certain value and delays in family reunification. Meanwhile, Sweden has indicated an intention to expel up to 80,000 rejected asylum seekers who arrived in 2015.

Weekly media wrap 20 July 2015

Protests against the Border Force Act continued this week. In Sydney, doctors and other health professionals rallied on the steps of the Town Hall to protest against the secrecy provisions contained in the Act.

Information released by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to a Senate inquiry shows that asylum seekers are being held in Australian detention centres alongside non-asylum seeker detainees who have been convicted of serious criminal offences. Refugee advocates called for such detainees to be separated from those without convictions.

A report into conditions at the Manus Island detention centre released by Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Law Centre said that "Australia's experiment in offshore detention has been a disaster." The report found that since the former Labor government announced that asylum seekers who arrived by boat would be resettled in Papua New Guinea after refugee status assessment on Manus Island in 2013, no asylum seekers have been resettled. However, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said that Papua New Guinea is "on track" to resettle asylum seekers whose refugee status has been confirmed.

UNHCR reported that over 10,000 asylum seekers have arrived in Yemen since March 2015. A representative from UNHCR Yemen said that many of these asylum seekers "are tricked into making the journey by people smugglers who tell them that the conflict is over and all is safe in Yemen."

Weekly media wrap 8 June

Cambodia received four asylum seekers from Australia transferred from Nauru as part of a Memorandum of Understanding that will see Cambodia receive $40 million over the next four years. Human Rights Watch said the deal will ‘have a harshly negative impact on protection of refugees throughout the region.’

The Nauruan government asked Australia for a specialist medical team to treat and 11-year old refugee with a badly broken arm. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection planned to send the boy to India for treatment. The Commonwealth and Immigration Ombudsman released a report which showed that asylum seekers, are spending nearly five years in Australian immigration detention.

The recently passed Australian Border Force Act provides that doctors and teachers working in immigration detention facilities could face up to two years in prison if they speak out against conditions in the centres or provide information to journalists. The Australian Medical Association, constitutional lawyers and Doctors for Refugees criticised the Act.

Australian authorities allegedly turned back a boat carrying 65 asylum seekers headed for New Zealand after it crashed into a reef in Indonesia. The asylum seekers have since been detained in West Timor, Indonesia.