
Weekly media round-up No. 30

This week Papua New Guinea launched an inquiry into the violence and alleged human rights violations at the Manus Island detention centre last month, to be assisted by Amnesty International. Justice David Cannings is leading the investigation, which is separate to a constitutional challenge to the centre mounted by PNG opposition leader, Belden Namah.

The PNG Supreme Court temporarily halted the inquiry due to the allegation of Mr Cannings’ bias, however Mr Canning launched a second inquiry, appointing Australian lawyer Jay Williams to take evidence from detainees. There is speculation this inquiry could also be shut down by the PNG government, because Mr Williams is not registered to practice in PNG. The Age reported that the Australian Government was consulted and backed the decision of the PNG government to shut down a human rights inquiry.

PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill met with the Abbott Government and said PNG would not be able to resettle all refugees on Manus Island. Both leaders agreed most people in the centre are not  “genuine refugees”. During an inspection of the centre asylum seekers shouted to visiting journalists that Reza Barati had been thrown off a balcony.

More reports have been issued about conditions on Manus Island: an asylum seeker told a PNG court about eating worm-infested bread and PNG police were shown in a video using dogs in an alleged attack on an unarmed man. Three suicide attempts have been reported. ABC’s 7.30 showed footage taken on board of asylum seekers intercepted at sea, including threats to Navy officers.  Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said the report further justifies the government’s tough border policies.

Mr Morrison announced it has been 89 days since a successful people smuggling venture arrived in Australia. Indonesian immigration officials say they stopped 1000 asylum seekers last year.

Legal action following the breach of asylum seekers’ personal information began. The Guardian reported that if their cases fail, these asylum seekers would pay the legal costs of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

In 2013 the Immigration Department required asylum seekers to leave school at the age of eighteen. From November the Coalition reversed the policy, allowing teenagers to complete schooling after they turned eighteen.


Weekly media round-up No. 26

On the weekend of 15-16 February, a riot broke out at the immigration detention centre on Manus Island. Twenty-three year old asylum seeker, Reza Berati, died and 77 others were injured. Thirty-five asylum seekers fled the centre.

On 18 February, immigration minister Scott Morrison said the violence occurred outside the camp perimeter. The minister emphasised the limited protection Australia could offer asylum seekers who had escaped the compound. Contractor G4S said asylum seekers breached the perimeter and the matter became a local law enforcement issue. The world refugee agency, UNCHR, expressed its concern in a statement. The minister announced a departmental inquiry into the riot.

On 22 February, the minister released a statement saying the events took place inside the compound, contradicting his statement five days earlier. PNG police fired shots twice during the event. The minister is under pressure to resign or be sacked due to his handling of the disturbance. Prime Minister Tony Abbott supported the minister, saying ‘[y]ou don’t want a wimp running border protection.’

The Department of Immigration and Border Protection accidentally published the personal information of 10,000 asylum seekers online. The minister for immigration ordered a review into the breach.

Amnesty International encouraged Australia to commit to accepting more than the stated figure of 500 Syrian refugees and expressed concern that Australia is placing Syrians on Manus Island.

Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop, requested Cambodia accept asylum seekers. Her counterpart, Hor Nam Hong, said his country would seriously consider the request. Meanwhile, China criticised Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers, questioning the legality of return arrangements of refugees made by Australia.