Weekly media wrap - 14 June 2016

A boat bound for Australia carrying 35 Sri Lankan asylum seekers is being held off the coast of Indonesia. Indonesian immigration spokesperson Heru Santos Ananta Yudha stated that while their status was being checked and they were unable to go onshore, authorites were providing the passengers with food and water.

Documents concerning health and safety within detention centres were released to the Australian Lawyers’ Alliance. The documents showed that of 1092 injuries and assaults reported to Comcare by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and its contractors over a two-year period, 850 were not investigated. Comcare is required to investigate “notifiable incidents” which a Comcare spokesman defined as ‘deaths, serious injury or dangerous incidents’.

The European Court of Justice ruled that EU countries cannot imprison undocumented refugees and migrants for entering their country. The ruling came in the case of Selina Affum, a Ghanian refugee arrested in France whilst travelling on a bus with false travel documents.