Weekly media round-up No. 28

Immigration minister Scott Morrison announced monthly ministerial meetings between Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) to coordinate the inquiry into the violence on Manus Island and the resettlement arrangements of asylum seekers

Several accounts were published of the February violence on Manus Island, including from an employee of the G4S security firm and from an asylum seeker inside the detention centre. The Guardian also published images that appear to show the aftermath of the unrest. Former Howard Government immigration minister Amanda Vanstone criticised the media for its coverage of how Mr Morrison handled the death of Reza Berati.

The Senate voted for an inquiry into the Manus Island violence. A spokesman for PNG’s Prime Minister said asylum seekers and workers from the detention centre should be flown to Australia to give evidence. The inquiry is in addition to the Immigration Department’s own inquiry.

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay called for Australia to review its treatment of asylum seekers and its agreement with PNG, to ensure its resettlement arrangements are ‘in accordance with international law’.

The Australian Human Rights Commission visited Christmas Island as part of inquiry into children in immigration detention. The Uniting Church offered to take in orphaned asylum seeker children, however this was dismissed by Mr Morrison.

The Federal Government re-introduced a freeze on granting protection visas to asylum seekers who arrive by boat, saying the freeze would allow them to issue visas to refugees from camps.

The High Court heard a challenge to a regulation denying permanent protection to those who arrive without visas. The challenge comes on behalf of a 15-year-old Ethiopian boy who entered Australia as a stowaway on a ship last year.

Following the withdrawal of ten artists from the festival, the Biennale of Sydney cut ties with Transfield Services, a service provider on Nauru and Manus Island.